Thursday, March 28, 2013


SHORT TERM GOALS: IN 8 MONTHS (with growth aids)

  • April 2013 grow to line 7 on t-shirt
  • August 2013 grow to line 10 on t-shirt (1 year anniversary)
  • December 2013 grow to line 12 on t-shirt  (BSL)

LONG TERM GOALS: IN 16 MONTHS (w/o growth aids)

  • February 2014 grow to line 13 on t-shirt (MBL)
  • August 2014 grow to line 16/17 on t-shirt (2 year anniversary,WL)

Just realized something!

Sooo, I have been on growth aids for a full 2 months from head inversions to hair pills, and scalp treatments, and noticed that my growth has not stopped but slowed a great deal. I recorded being at line 6 in February and I'm still at line 6 at the end of march. I asked myself what could be the problem?..... I just realized that I stopped drinking water!!!!!!!!! To be honest, I don't remember the day I stopped all I know was that I use to drink 1,500ml a day and now I don't drink any. While being on these growth aids I should have moved at least 1/2 an inch but nope still in the same place. I could be missing something because I am 6 weeks post but I stretched my hair with conditioner and oils and still not much of a difference on my length check shirt.

I plan on relaxing my hair for my birthday in April which will be here soon (around 9 weeks post) and we shall see what's really going on with my hair. My hair goals were to be at line 8 by April (I highly doubt I will be at line 8 in 3 weeks) and  line 10 by my 1 year hair journey anniversary in August (I plan on doing what it takes to achieve my goals) current short term goal:  4 inches to grow!!!!!

                    UPDATED 4/15/13

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Wow, school is kicking my butt. I have a test this Tuesday that will be my make or break. I really can not afford to fail a class or retake one so I am choosing to make it.

In other news today Is wash day. I deep conditioned overnight and I am about to shampoo my hair, then condition again and air dry in braids. I want to try my hand at a braidout this will be my first one since I started my journey. I hope it comes out well because I am 6 weeks post, but my roots look 10-12 weeks post.... We shall see.

UPDATED 3/28/13
my braid out was horrible I wore it for one day than pulled my hair up and away into a bun. Wont do this again until my hair has gained a few more inches in length.

Monday, March 11, 2013


I am currently at line 6 (APL)

Moving toward lines 10-12 (bsl) by august 2013

From there continue to lines 13-15 (mbl) by December 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I FEEL THAT I AM A DEFINITE LINE 6 NOW (I DID DUST MY ENDS A LITTLE AFTER I RELAXED IN FEBRUARY 16th TO LINE 5)... but I need to straighten my roots to get the accurate line.


just look at my roots at 4 weeks post!

I have been doing head inversions, taking hairfinity, and using MN so I am going to say that those 3 things have given me an inch in  less than a month (I wish more).



Saturday, March 9, 2013

March count down!

I have never wanted to end a semester so bad. I am just so close to graduation that I want it to happen tomorrow. My graduation is scheduled in December and we are only in March, with 281 days till my graduation to be exact... Please lord get me through these 281 days in good health, spirit, and faith... I need this semester and the next one to end pronto.

Friday, March 8, 2013

March Goals!

For the month of march I plan to do a few things to get me to line seven on my length check t-shirt, and they are as followed:

1. Moisturize and seal A.M and P.M

2. Where a bun/ updo for the entire month of march

3. Wash hair weekly/ deep condition

4. Do not trim

5. Take hairfinity till finished/ use MN mixture till finished

6. use no heat (unless for deep conditioning under hood dryer)

It seems like a lot but it is very simple... Wish me luck! (thinking about adding a new growth aid but I'm not sure yet)

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I  have recently realized that as the pressure from school increase my hair care practices decrease. I am not ashamed at all because of the creation of the bun. As boring as a bun may be traveling to and from school, work, hospital clinical rotations, and family functions  my hair looks relatively put together with no effort what-so-ever. I just hope that in my times of neglect I gain an inch or so out of it... is that asking for to much? lol!