Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hair updates!!

I have weaved my hair for my senior pictures. I pretty much used the hair off the wig I created, washed it, cornrow braid my own  hair and sewed it in. My sew in is very full and barely sheds so I am happy with the results. I plan on wearing this hair for 4 weeks, if I can make it to 6 weeks I will be even more proud of myself because that would mean I kept my hands out of my hair for 6 weeks.. this is a challenge in it's self because I love playing in my hair, but at the moment I don't have time to so I am pretty sure I can make it to the desired 6 Weeks.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

school update

I have been very focused up until now and looking at my calender I am 4 weeks away from the last day of school. That special day will be celebrated I promise, because I am over worked, overwhelmed, and just plan old stressed out. I can not wait to run out of my school the day of my final exams.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

School Update

The days are speeding by and I am starting to prepare for my graduation. I am doing more than well on all of my exams and  I have studying down to a "T". I am proud of myself and will be even more proud when I am walking on stage collecting my diploma and getting pinned. 6 weeks to go and I can fill my anxiety building.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November goals!

Short and sweet is how this month is going to go...

Due to my graduation and senior pictures I plan to weave my hair in this month.

  1. Wear a bun for first 2 weeks
  2. Wear weave for 4 weeks moving in to December 
  3. Wash and deep condition every week
  4. Pass all exams
  5. Drink more water, eat 3 meals a day, and take multivitamins daily
I am destined to accomplish all 5 of these goals trying to not over do myself this month.

Friday, November 1, 2013

october update

well, it is time to update you guys.... below were my October goals!
  1. Stay out of my hair (check)
  2. Deep condition with coconut oil once a week (ran out so fail)
  3. Do not relax or trim this month (pass and fail I relaxed at 8 weeks )
  4. No heat styles for entire month ( flat ironed once with relaxer)
  5. Take multivitamins daily (fail)
  6. Eat 3 meals a day (fail)
  7. Stick to my bedtime ( I have to be in bed by 11pm to stay refreshed and alert) (check)
  8. Pass all exams in the month (check)
  9. Use up 4 products (fail)
The great news is that am doing well in school, the bad new is I forgot about taking my multivitamin and eating full meals due to stress. To be honest  I don't even think if I had coconut oil that I would of have had the time to deep condition weekly with it. I just hope next month works out better.