Monday, December 16, 2013

School Finished!!!!!

School is officially over and I am happy happy happy! Now, my next order of business is to  prepare for my State Board RN exam and graduation. This school/career journey is really working out for the better!!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Halo Braid!

I wore this style for 3 weeks and I never felt any more pleased waking up not having to touch my hair, get dressed, and get out the door.

Learned that when I take it out, it gives me the best braid out ever!!!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

November goal update/ December goals!

Like how late am I...

November Goal Update

  • Wear a bun for first 2 weeks (check)
  • Wear weave for 4 weeks moving in to December (check) 
  • Wash and deep condition every week (check)
  • Pass all exams (check)
  • Drink more water, eat 3 meals a day, and take multivitamins daily (fail)

  • Getting better at this goal setting thing I have completed all except eating right. I have been so stressed that sleep and food has been put on the back burner (sad to say but true), I am pretty sure that my body is not happy with me but i will make it up real soon.

    December Goals

    • Drink more water, eat 3 meals a day
    • Cowash hair 2 x a week until the end  of this month Shampoo free!!
    • No heat/ No trim/ No relaxing hair
    • Bun or wig 

    Saturday, December 7, 2013

    So long since an update!

    Updates on my hair

    1. I started co-washing again (herbal essence hello hydration, and Vo5 conditioner)
    2. I keep the weave install in for only 4 weeks couldn't make it to 6
    3. I purchased new products to try with my hair
    4. I am currently 6 weeks post
    5. I am experiencing little shedding and very happy about that (started after co-washing, this is why I plan to co wash my hair until the end of December, shampoo free!!!)
    6. I plan to relax at 10 weeks!!!!
    7. Plan to wear wigs through the rest of winter (when it gets colder, January and February!)

    Thursday, November 14, 2013

    Hair updates!!

    I have weaved my hair for my senior pictures. I pretty much used the hair off the wig I created, washed it, cornrow braid my own  hair and sewed it in. My sew in is very full and barely sheds so I am happy with the results. I plan on wearing this hair for 4 weeks, if I can make it to 6 weeks I will be even more proud of myself because that would mean I kept my hands out of my hair for 6 weeks.. this is a challenge in it's self because I love playing in my hair, but at the moment I don't have time to so I am pretty sure I can make it to the desired 6 Weeks.

    Wish me luck!

    Wednesday, November 13, 2013

    school update

    I have been very focused up until now and looking at my calender I am 4 weeks away from the last day of school. That special day will be celebrated I promise, because I am over worked, overwhelmed, and just plan old stressed out. I can not wait to run out of my school the day of my final exams.

    Wish me luck!

    Sunday, November 3, 2013

    School Update

    The days are speeding by and I am starting to prepare for my graduation. I am doing more than well on all of my exams and  I have studying down to a "T". I am proud of myself and will be even more proud when I am walking on stage collecting my diploma and getting pinned. 6 weeks to go and I can fill my anxiety building.

    Saturday, November 2, 2013

    November goals!

    Short and sweet is how this month is going to go...

    Due to my graduation and senior pictures I plan to weave my hair in this month.

    1. Wear a bun for first 2 weeks
    2. Wear weave for 4 weeks moving in to December 
    3. Wash and deep condition every week
    4. Pass all exams
    5. Drink more water, eat 3 meals a day, and take multivitamins daily
    I am destined to accomplish all 5 of these goals trying to not over do myself this month.

    Friday, November 1, 2013

    october update

    well, it is time to update you guys.... below were my October goals!
    1. Stay out of my hair (check)
    2. Deep condition with coconut oil once a week (ran out so fail)
    3. Do not relax or trim this month (pass and fail I relaxed at 8 weeks )
    4. No heat styles for entire month ( flat ironed once with relaxer)
    5. Take multivitamins daily (fail)
    6. Eat 3 meals a day (fail)
    7. Stick to my bedtime ( I have to be in bed by 11pm to stay refreshed and alert) (check)
    8. Pass all exams in the month (check)
    9. Use up 4 products (fail)
    The great news is that am doing well in school, the bad new is I forgot about taking my multivitamin and eating full meals due to stress. To be honest  I don't even think if I had coconut oil that I would of have had the time to deep condition weekly with it. I just hope next month works out better.

    Tuesday, October 29, 2013

    Relaxed 8 weeks

    I have been so busy I forgot to update.... well I  relaxed my hair at 8 weeks post and I feel like my hair is not growing. I don't know what to say I deep condition and I keep my hair and scalp clean and moisturized and still not much of results to report. I was hoping to make BSL in one year to a year and 1/2 time but at this rate it don't even look like that is going o happen. Below is a picture of my one year and my one year and 2 months hair growth progress....

    not much to hoot and hollar about!

    Friday, October 18, 2013

    New keepers!

    I decided to wash my hair today, one day earlier than I normally wash and I am happy I did because I got to try out new products. So happy with my results that these products will now replace 2 products in my regimen for good. I used the Aphogee Deep Moisture Shampoo and the KeraCare Humecta Conditioner. Let me tell you, my hair is thick and the more weeks post the thicker it gets, well these products have my hair soft like butter and laid nicely. My new growth is soooo manageable it is not a joke. As soon as I put the KeraCare in my hair it began to instantly detangle my hair. I sat under the hood drier for 15 minutes and than played on my computer for about 2 hours with it sitting in my hair.When I went to wash it out... man oh man was every strand soooooo soft. Then it gets better, I divided my hair into 2 sections and applied the Aphogee shampoo and it smelled so good, it worked into a smooth lather so quick I was shocked. I proceeded to rinse it out and not one bit of my hair felt stripped. My strands glided through my hands like warm butter.... keepers!!!!!

    Wednesday, October 16, 2013

    8 weeks post

    I am moving along very smoothly, I am surprised to be honest with you. I'm still on the bun challenge until December and my hair is soft and manageable. I have been very simple with my hair, this month I shampooed ever Saturday and made sure I deep condition along with it. Air dried, moisturize and sealed and bun. Recently I have been using water as a moisturizer because I have been to busy to go to the store and but new products, and the weather is getting cooler. I would spray water on the ends of my hair rub it in and then use coconut oil to seal it in morning and night, then style into my bun for the day and go to school, work, or sleep. Here are a few pictures of my hair after sprayed with water and applied coconut oil.

    If I make it to December without relaxing I would be 16 weeks post and that would be my longest starch ever!

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    One month into school

    Well, the last time I updated I was one week into school and here is my one month comparison. I am overwhelmed on most days. The curriculum has changes for me because I am graduating which now adds a lot more time and preparation needed to compete simple course work. Questions, Questions, Questions is the name of this game. I am finding that there is just not enough time in a day to answer all the questions and have time to eat, sleep, and go to work. There is a reasonable amount of reading which has not changed, I was always a read the text book kinda girl so hey no complains there, but those questions I have to complete  are getting to me. On some weeks its 200 other is 300 I don't know what to think sometimes but i keep in mind that at the end of the day if these questions will get me to pass my state boards licensure exam then hey I will shut my mouth now.

    Thursday, October 3, 2013

    October Goals

    1. Stay out of my hair
    2. Deep condition with coconut oil once a week
    3. Do not relax or trim this month
    4. No heat styles for entire month
    5. Take multivitamins daily
    6. Eat 3 meals a day
    7. Stick to my bedtime ( I have to be in bed by 11pm to stay refreshed and alert)
    8. Pass all exams in the month
    9. Use up 4 products

    Wednesday, October 2, 2013

    September Goals Update

    So below were my goals for September
    1. Wear hair in a bun for a week at a time. (check)
    2. Wash every week on Wednesday (check and than it changed to ever Saturday)
    3. Deep condition every Wednesday with heat (hood dryer) (check)
    4. Keep scalp Moisturized (check i did this with tea tree oil)
    5. Use up 2 products (check)
    6. Do not relax or trim hair this month (check)
    7. Drink 2 bottles of water a day (fail)
    8. Take iron and vitamins daily (check I am so happy I stayed on this)
    9. Maintain a low stress level (check)
    10. Eat 3 meals a day (working on it still have a hard time eating breakfast)
    11. Do 250 squats daily (Fail)
    12. Pass all exams this month with flying colors (I passed but first quiz score was not good)
    So, I failed at the squats, the water, the 3 meals a day and the exams but over all I did well. On to next month!!!!!

    Sunday, September 22, 2013

    just a few updates...

    So, I have purchased the St.Ives face wash and I am happy with it. I still use my Ambi but now I am alternating between the two because my Ambi didn't get rid of pimples fast enough and the St. Ives helps me to exfoliate due to the beads in it, which makes my face feel softer and fresher.

    I am getting further post relaxer now. I am 5 weeks and my hair has been becoming a bit thick in the roots and dryer also. I purchased a detangling conditioner that also acts as a leave in. It was inexpensive so it works well with my budget and if it fits in the budget its a great fit for me.

    I have been keeping up with my vitamins I went to CVS and purchased the women's one a day vitamins but a 200 count bottle, and used my CVS store card hoping to get a discount (which I didn't). I didn't even know the bottle came in a 200 count, so I am now supplied until March such a great investment!

    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    My helpers...

    I have fallen in love with a series of books that has help me to gain a better understanding of certain medical conditions, concepts, processes, bodily functions you name it. I recommend getting a book in this series, it is well worth it. The made Incredible Easy collection is created by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, who if you are in the medical field you know they make exceptional reference material on every topic in healthcare. The made Incredibly Easy collection has great organization of topics and information which makes it super easy to find information you need, read it, and know it. Now, I do not use these book alone. I also read my textbooks and use these books to clear up any confusion or to help answer any questions I may have. Another great way I use these books are when I didn't have time to read my textbook before class and I want a quick synapse of the topic that is lectured that day... Oh, boy does it help.

    These are the few that I have purchased... (my psychiatric nursing book was donated to me by my favorite nurse 2 years ago).

    Saturday, September 14, 2013


    I am contemplating if i want to do a bun challenge to last until December. Here is why is makes sense:

    1. I work and go to school (busy life).
    2. Looks neat for my hospital rotations (which is 2 day a week one 12 hour shift and one 7 hour shift)
    3. I want to be BSL by graduation in December.
    4. It would help me stretch my current hair products so that I don't have to purchase them so soon.
    5. It would help keep my hands and combs out of my hair.
    6. Don't require the use of heat 
    7. May help me stretch my relaxer longer.
    I think I just talked myself into doing it. So, here is the official start. I plan to shampoo and deep condition once a week with heat under my hood dryer, air dry and moisturize and seal, then bun. I hope it works out because the last challenge I tried to do was a weave for a year challenge and I hated it because I didn't have access to my hair.

    Current length: As of end of August, in December  will try and recreate the same picture and take one with all of my hair down not just the back down.

    Current bun: As of now!

    Monday, September 9, 2013

    School update

    So I completed my first week of school and I feel great. At the beginning of the week I did not feel to good about school but I quickly learned that it was because I was not organized an prepared for school. Well, I am now. I must say stress has rolled off my back now that I know what is expected of myself. I just need to now organize my time because this semester will not be a last minute study/do homework kind of thing.

    wish me luck!

    Sunday, September 8, 2013

    Donut bun advanced!!!

    So, I went out to a birthday party which ended up being an engagement party and yes my hair was laid!!!!!

    I did it myself with 2 scrunches, braiding hair, and eco styler gel. Very proud of myself!

    Wednesday, September 4, 2013

    still saving money!!

    So, today was a productive day for me. I managed to organize myself and spend a little money doing it. I am ready for this school semester to be over and done with and I want to finish stress free, so purchasing a few school supplies at Walgreens (that I just knew I am going to need) is what I did. Now, for the good news... I save a few dollars, and I didn't use a coupon because I didn't have any for the things that I purchased but, if you remember a few post ago I did apply for the Walgreens/ cvs balance rewards card and guess who got a few item free and saves a whopping 4 bucks and change.

    Tuesday, September 3, 2013

    learned something

    I have washed my hair twice since I relaxed it and my scalp I feel is healed. I do not experience itching and no soreness at all. I have been using the tea tree oil which I now ran out of and I have been deep conditioning/ pre-pooing with coconut oil (to soften), Jamaican black caster oil (to cure my bald spot) I would add a conditioner, and  heat for 10 minutes on high (to help deep penetrate the products). When I say my hair feels like butter I mean it. This is a keeper!!! I wonder If this can help me stretch my relaxers longer we shall see.

    Monday, September 2, 2013

    My shopping list (4 months... 16 weeks) for this semester

    I have decided to load up on my hair products. I will be busy with school and shopping is the last thing I want to have to squeeze in when I should be studying. So, here is my shopping list...

    1. Aussie moist 3 minute miracle (2)
    2. ORS aloe shampoo (1) big bottle
    3. ORS  deep conditioner (1) big bottle
    4. 100% coconut oil (2)
    5. Tea tree oil (2)
    6. ORS hair mayo (1)
    7. JBCO (1)
    8. Neutrogena triple moisture leave in (2)
    9. Women's one a day vitamins (2)
    10. The beautiful textures moisture butter (1) I liked it and think it will work well for the cold winter months, so I will give it another try!
    11. Plastic caps (1 pack of 10)
    12. One large Basket to keep this stuff in!!!!!!!
    1. Ambi face wash (1)
    2. St Ives for blemishes (1) I stole this from my sister and I liked it

    Set in stone!

    These are two things that I plan on sticking to while on this journey for the next 2 years...

    1. Trim hair once a year only for my birthday in April
    2. Visit hair salon every 6 months in February and August

    With this said my next trim will be in 7 months and my next salon visit will be in 5 months!

    *subject to change only in dyer emergencies!!!

    Sunday, September 1, 2013

    September goals!

    I want to spend this month doing nothing to my hair.

    1. Wear hair in a bun for a week at a time.
    2. Wash every week on Wednesday
    3. Deep condition every Wednesday with heat (hood dryer)
    4. Keep scalp Moisturized
    5. Use up 2 products
    6. Do not relax or trim hair this month
    7. Drink 2 bottles of water a day
    8. Take iron and vitamins daily
    9. Maintain a low stress level
    10. Eat 3 meals a day
    11. Do 250 squats daily
    12. Pass all exams this month with flying colors

    Saturday, August 31, 2013

    August goals update!

    1. Do not relax hair this month (I relaxed Aug 22nd after experiencing breakage)
    2. Use up 2 products (Check, I used up plenty)
    3. Do not use heat this month (check)
    4. Finish multivitamins and biotin (check for biotin, working on the muiltivits and iron)
    5. Do not trim (check)
    6. Drink more water (check)
    7. Try at least 2 braid outs on my hair (check)
    8. Run 10 miles (FAIL!!... ran about 5 miles)
    9. Try a tea rinse (CHECK, AND IT DID NOT HELP MY SHEDDING)

    Friday, August 30, 2013

    Used up hair produts list for the month of August!

    I am making progress people!!!... Going to start this coming school semester with fresh products to last me till December.

    Biotin 1000mcg
    Ors shampoo
    Vo5 shampoo
    Mane and Tail conditioner
    Mane and Tail detangler
    Grape seed oil
    Creame of Nature leave in conditioner

    My dresser is starting to look a lot neater with all these bottles gone... I will update my school hair care shopping list soon.

    Wednesday, August 28, 2013

    I made a U part wig!

    Guess who made a new wig! I did it all by myself and it was not that hard surprisingly. So the tools I used was:
    • a glue gun
    • a spandex cap
    • 2 packs of Model Model 100% human hair
    • scissors
    • needle and thread
    that's all folks! it was really simple I glued the hair onto the cap, left a U parting in the front, cut that section of the cap off, and than sewed it on to my anchor braids on the top of my head and this bad boy is secure!!!.. pictures below

    Sunday, August 25, 2013

    Organizing again!

    Look at me trying to get my stuff together. I always wanted this it's just so cute. I purchased it from target for $19.99 and I have it set up in my room so nicely... I recommend buying if you don't already have!!!.... keep your jewelry organized.

    Saturday, August 24, 2013

    4th summer read...

    I am done for the summer. Reading all these books has lifted my spirits, because I am much more relaxed. This was my last book I had to read for this summer, it took me 1 day to read it, and by far this was the best of the four. The name of the book is "Torn Between Two Lovers" by Carl Weber. The storyline follows the life of 4 people; a married couple, a side piece (who is  male), and a ex-best friend/life ruiner. This book has multiple affairs happening all at the same time, but in the way the book is written you don't find this out until the end. This book has love, stalking, lust, sexual affairs, murder, suicide, police action, evil doings, and pain all wrapped up in the pages. I would recommend reading it you have the time!

    Friday, August 23, 2013

    3rd summer read...

    Okay so this book was good. Its called "The Best Kept Secret" By Kimberla Lawson Roby. It also took me 2 days to read and it was a page turner I couldn't put it down. The storyline follows a pastor and his family through  their struggle to live a new life as of the middle class, a situation they had no choice but to take after the Pastor was corrupt and was exiled from his church, and forced to move to a smaller town, in a smaller house, with a smaller income. His new financial situation placed a lot of strain on his marriage, which caused his wife to act out in trifling ways. This book has vanity, jealousy, sexual affairs, money, abuse, fear, crazy, and sadness all wrapped up in the pages.
    I would recommend it.

    Thursday, August 22, 2013

    Relaxer touch up

    So, I was experiencing a lot of breakage from my multi textured texlaxed/relaxed hair and decided to relax my hair and air dry it. I like the results of the way my roots came out, but the shaft of my hair still has multiple textures and I have some short pieces next to long pieces from the breakage. I guess the strain of my hair holding on to these bone straight ends are just causing them to snap off.

    Well, hopefully I will get my hair together one day. What I did different with this relaxer was mix the ors replenishing conditioner with the ors hair mayonnaise and sat under the hood dryer for 10 minutes. I wanted to make sure my hair got enough protein since I was using such a harsh chemical in my hair. Anyways, it has gotten to hot to keep putting on my wig with the bangs so I guess I will just wear my hair pinned up with a head band until September because I just really don't feel like being bothered with hair now that summer school is finally over and I have 7 days until my last semester actually begins I have sooooo  much to do to prepare.

    Itchy scalp came back to haunt me

    Yes, I thought I was done with it when I clarified my hair but I was wrong. I washed my hair Monday night but this time I did things very different. The first being purchasing tea tree oil for my scalp. Now I read about tee tree oil healing the scalp and helping with dryness so I went and purchased a bottle before work. When I got home after, I attacked my scalp with the oil and I added coconut oil to the length of my hair pulled out my hood dryer and sat under it with a plastic cap for 10 minutes on high. When time passed I let my hair cool down and than clarified in the shower with the V05 shampoo in 2 section and conditioned with the aussie moist 3 minute miracle for about 3 minutes. I than rinsed and t shirt dried for about 5 minutes, added my Jane Carter spray leave-in, and nourishing cream with a little coconut oil to detangled my hair in 4 sections. ( this time I did not use the aphogee keratin leave in, it could be causing breakage) I than twisted the 4 sections and went to bed while air drying the rest. When I woke my hair felt soft and again I have not had any scalp issues yet it has now been 3 days... lets just hope this tea tree and coconut hot oil treatment really works.

    I purchased my Neutrogena leave-in and added some to my hair the Tuesday after my wash, because my hair felt dry and moisturized at the same time.

    Wednesday, August 21, 2013

    Cardio Kickboxing

    I went to my first kickboxing class on Tuesday since I joined the gym. My membership allows me to take whatever classes they offer and they have a good selection. So, My first day was an eye opener since I realized I had to stop for water numerous time during the workout. It was a cardio kickboxing class so all of the moves was a decent speed which knocked the wind out of me. I liked the class and I will go back but I have to get my stamina up or next time I will faint.

    Last week of summer school

    This is it. I have to write one last  paper, hand it in and that will put an end on this summer school session. I will than have a full week off just to relax and prepare for my last semester as a nursing student for this school. I am not going to lie I am nervous as hell because I am this close. The semesters only last 4 months so currently I am 4 months away from my career beginning. I been waiting for this moment since 2006 I have so much built up anxiety it's just crazy.

    Anyway, lets just all hope my last days of summer school goes well and my last semester as well.

    Tuesday, August 20, 2013

    Coupon outing

    So, I know I haven't updated on how it is going mastering the art of couponing, but that's because I haven't been doing much shopping. I will say that I did use my first coupon about 3 weeks ago and I saved a dollar on kitty litter at family dollar and it made my heart sore. Well, I am here today to tell you that I went shopping today and did not use coupons but still received some saving for signing up for the balance reward card at Walgreens that I can also use at Duane Read stores. I purchased my beloved Neutrogena triple moisture leave-in and my ors relaxer in normal strength, because my hair is now breaking from the different textures and I need to relax sooner than later.

    If you are wondering I saved a whopping $2.50 on the 2 items (something is better than nothing) and I couldn't be any more proud of  myself. I carry all of the coupons in my wallet, well not all of them only the ones that I know I will buy and need in a few days. Today I purged my coupon envelope of the expired ones and added some new ones because while I was in Walgreens I picked up their coupon book and there were great saving in there to add to my collection. Taking this one shopping trip at a time!

    Monday, August 19, 2013

    1st summer read...

    3 weeks ago I finished another good book. It is a newer book and it was a page turner as well named "The Man in 3B" by Carl Weber. The storyline followed an attractive young black male, who just moved into a new apartment complex and has an incredible impact on all the lives of the tenants in the building in  some good and bad ways. There is love, murder, jealousy all wrapped up in this book so if you are a reader like I am pick this one up also.

    2nd Summer Read....

    I have always enjoyed a good book and for those of you out there who read my blogs I will be sharing what I am currently reading or have read already. This blogger account was intended to focus on one thing mainly, but there are so many things I enjoy equally that I have no choice but to share them. I am not just my hair you know.

    So, I just finished reading  " A Taste of Reality" by Kimberla Lawson Roby and I quit enjoyed it. This was my first time reading a novel by her and it was satisfying. The story line follows a young black career women who wants to enhance her career but in doing so was bombarded by discrimination on multiple levels, while also having too deal with all of the nonsense in her useless marriage. I would recommend this book to those interested. I couldn't put it down it took me 2 days to read it. This was the second book read this summer.

    Saturday, August 17, 2013


    Already made it to 200 yesterday. The 250 squat ending mark  is so close, but my legs are killing me. I will say that my but has lifted a bit and my muscles show a little in my thighs. I am happy for that they now look a  lot more rounder and firm. This stuff really works.

    Friday, August 16, 2013

    Itchy scalp update

    This is the way I am wearing my hair till the end of the month.

     It has been in this style for the past 3 day now I just wake up and throw on my wig, and my scalp has not given me a problems. Other than the first time I braided my hair I have not added any products to my hair just coconut oil on my scalp yesterday. I am so tying to go back to the low manipulation method that has gotten me this far in my journey. The other day I tried to do a little length check and my hair has not passes the 8 line (I need to relax  soon currently going into 7 weeks) which mean I have experienced some breakage and my hair is stagnant at this point. So, 14 days to go wearing my hair in these 4 braids.

    Wednesday, August 14, 2013

    Itchy scalp?

    I am having problems with my scalp now. I swear if it isn't one thing its the next. Today was a wash day for me I decided to clarify with the V05 shampoo because my hair was very itch. In doing so I made sure not to prepoo or condition my hair before the shampoo because I really wanted to clean everything off my scalp.

    This itchy problem could be from me using the loc method and using water as my liquid. Maybe the water is leaving my scalp a bit moist and in return I may have product or bacteria build up from that, or my hair left to damp after I wash my hair while my hair is air drying to slowly,  or it could be old scabs from my last 2 relaxers coming off and my scalp finally being able to breath. Who knows all I know is that I washed the hell out of my scalp, T-shirt and towel dried, added my leave-ins, grape seed oil to my scalp, My Jane Cater nourishing cream and detangled, then I added grape seed oil to the ends of my hair and twisted it into 2 pigtails to air dry.

    As of now my scalp hasn't itch once...

    Squat update..

    I have completed 160 squats so far, and I feel good about it. It is getting harder but hey what in life isn't hard. I shall not give up on this mission. Once I complete all my squats I shall do 250 daily, that's is my goal..... We shall see if I can make it happen.

    Tuesday, August 13, 2013

    Skin Problems

    Not using sea breeze any more. I have developed several issues with my skin since I started using and its just not worth it for me. So I will scrap it and just wash my face with my ambi face cleanser in the mornings and at night then see what that will do for me.

    Current face status pics are below:

    I have been popping pimples, now I have dark spots..... lord save my face!

    Monday, August 12, 2013


    I am desperate to decrease the shedding to keep more hair on my head for a longer time period and decided to do this by adding black tea rinses to my routine. Well about 2 nights ago I did an overnight black tea rinse with aussie moist 3 minute miracle on top with a plastic cap, my statin head scarf, and my bonnet. When I woke up the next morning I hopped in the shower rinsed it out, shampooed, conditioned, rinsed again and towel dried my hair. Next I added my leave-ins and moisturized using the loc method than braided my hair into 2 plats for my wig.... long story short my shedding has not decreased one bit.

    This experiment shall continue

    Friday, August 9, 2013

    1 Year ponytail and back Length

    Here is a picture of my hair in a ponytail on August 5th 2012 and August 9th 2013

    looking at the difference in the length of my hair  from the area of my necklace we can all see that it has grown a good bit I wish more, but that is because I am greedy. I am praying that in another 12 months I will be  a full BSL but a little pass it making me grazing MBL.

    My hair is air drying and it looks mega uneven, but measuring from the end of my pony to my waist I am about 12 inches from waist length which is 2 years in time.... What a wait, and long journey I have ahead of me.

    Took My First Spin Class

    Boy, was I worked out my instructor did not care that I was new to the class she wanted me to get the full experience I guess. The only bad thing about the class was that the seat on the bike was uncomfortable if I can find me a seat cushion or something to fix this issue than spinning is something that I don't mind doing weekly.

    Thursday, August 8, 2013

    Look who got a new wig!

    Her name is Blu and she is a Bobbi Boss full cap wig about 20 inches or more, with no combs just straps and I love her!

    This will be the last wig purchased for the year 2013. What a way to go out  with a bang!

    Wednesday, August 7, 2013

    One year to the date!

     August 5th 2012 (back and ponytail)

    I know I am late but It is officially my one year hair journey anniversary. August 5th 2012 was when I put my foot down and started learning about my hair and taking care of it and now it is past August 5th in the year 2013. I have come so far and I am happy about it. I wanted to straighten my hair for a comparison but because I used heat in July I decided not to. I definitely know I did not make my goal of growing to Bsl and I only hope in the next 3 to 4 months I will be bsl. my plan was to wear my real hair for graduation in December but if I am not BSL or longer I will just weave it up something nice.

     Because I don't really have a picture of my hair out for august here are my June pics...

    there is a difference but not bsl yet... I shall continue with what I am currently doing!!!


    summer school countdown...

    Yes I have 3 weeks left. I took my 100 question midterm, don't know what I got on it but at this point I will take whatever I can get. I have 2 more quizzes to go and this session will be gone bye, bye,  and I will have a little break to just relax without thinking about academics.

    I smell freedom soon!

    Tuesday, August 6, 2013

    First tea rinse

    So, I applied the black tea after a prepoo with coconut oil and a shampoo. Then applied conditioner on top of the tea and let sit in my hair for about 10-15 minutes while in the shower. I rinsed it out and t shirt dried, added my leave-ins, and did the loc method to detangle and twisted In four sections.

    My hair is air drying rough and I lost a crap load of hair while detangling So, I don't know what to make of this.

    Monday, August 5, 2013

    Braidout second attempt

    So I have done a braid out using the LOC method and the first style I tried was a side afro which was cute but my hair didn't come out the way I wanted it to so, I wasn't completely happy with it.

    My second style was a pulled back and pin front with a free flowing fro in the back it was cute but by the end of the day my hair was dry and I had to go home spray water and add coconut oil to my hair to defeat the dryness and soften my hair back up.
    I am still feeling like I should really save my braid outs for when my hair gets a little longer

    Sunday, August 4, 2013

    LOC method for relaxed hair?

    So, I have been trying the loc method to see if my hair will hold moisture longer and to be honest I don't think it makes a difference to my hair. I used the loc method and attempted a braid out and my hair was dry by the end of the day sooo, what do that tell you?

    I shall continue to do it to see if variations of it will make a difference. Currently my L is water, My O is coconut oil, and my C is the Jane Caters nourishing cream.

    Saturday, August 3, 2013

    Black Tea rinse?

    I went to the dollar store and stocked up on English breakfast black tea. I what to keep the fullness in my hair and if that means I have to decrease shedding to do it so be it. I have made my first brew and I will let it steep for 24 to 48 hours before I use it in my hair. I plan on applying it with a spray bottle on damp hair and than conditioning over it and applying a plastic cap.
    This process will happen once a week for 8 weeks, I only have 40 bags.


    2nd salon visit

    Let me confess. I told myself that I was going to the hair salon in august. well, I couldn't help myself and I went in July and got a blow dry and flat iron. I was not happy with the way my hair looked that straight and when I washed it I was so happy it thickened back up. It actually looked longer in its thicker state compared to the straight state which left me feeling bald due to the thinness.

    These picture was July 17th after coming from the salon

    This picture was 4 or 5 days after the salon my first wash

    Friday, August 2, 2013

    August goals!

    Well we are in a new month and it is time for my monthly goals.

    1. Do not relax hair this month
    2. Use up 2 products
    3. Do not use heat this month
    4. Finish multivitamins and biotin
    5. Do not trim
    6. Drink more water
    7. Try at least 2 braid outs on my hair
    8. Run 10 miles
    9. Try a tea rinse

    My back to school shopping list
    (purchase black tea, triple moisture leave in, spray bottle, cholesterol conditioner, ors conditioner, ors shampoo, ambi face wash, aloe vera gel)

    Thursday, August 1, 2013

    July goal update!

    My only goal for July was to make it to BSL by august which is my one year. Well, I sure as hell did not make that goal come to pass. I realized that my hair has been thinning in areas and I believe this is due to the several different textures I have in my hair from telexing (My texlax never came out the same every time I did it).

    Well I am hoping I can make it to bsl by November.

    Oh, another thing I realized is that bsl for me is not  # 11 but it is # 13 on my length check t-shirt. depending on what bra I wear the numbers changes so I have decided to pick the highest number so that I ensure that I clear bsl correctly. So, I am shooting for # 13 on my length check shirt by November which would make it a year and 3 month on my hhj.

    Wednesday, July 31, 2013


    Yes, yes, yes, ... I have been working out and enjoying the benefits of doing so. I have so much more energy and I feel great. Now, I am already a small framed girl but I was lazy and sleepy all the time so I decided I was going to become more active and I have. I have been running, walking, playing tennis, and doing squats... soon I will squeeze yoga into the mix and abdominal workouts and than I will feel complete. My reasons for getting fit is not to lose weight because I like the weight I am, I just want to have more energy, flexibility, confidence, and cardiac health (not trying to get sick at a young age).

    The most recent thing I have added to my fitness routine was the squat challenge and boy is it getting tough. I have been doing it for 2 week now and today I am going to do 100 squats because it is the end of this month and I want to end with a nice solid number. I was following the chart at first but missed a day, so had to adjust my workout. Listen, as long as I gain strength and tone in my legs it really don't matter how many I do a day.

    Tuesday, July 30, 2013

    Fixing things up a bit!

    Look at me trying to hook up my room. YouTube has been a blessing I love the container store thinks to YouTube. I finally have a way to organize my make up nail polishes, brushes etc. It took no time getting everything in order and now my dresser is functional... I plan on buying like 2 more containers cant wait.

    Sunday, July 28, 2013


    I am serious about couponing now. I have admitted to myself that I love buying new things but recently my money has been going to hair products and I am fed up with how they eat up my money sooo, couponing it is. This could be fun and I also have a kitten so why pay full price for litter and cat food if I don't have to. I am adding that to my coupon list as well. Hair products, personal hygiene products, cat food and litter....goal is to save the money I don't spend on these items hell, I may be rich after I get the hang of couponing.

    Saturday, July 27, 2013

    updates on my bald spot?

    Yea, not much to really say just.... I am so using Jamaica black castor oil on my spot twice a week (I do not like the smell and the stickiness). I just hope and pray that this stuff works.