Tuesday, August 26, 2014

2 year hair growth anniversary!

Aug 5th was my 2 year HHJ anniversary. I am still not BSL. When that date came I did not feel like making an update because I know that I was not at my goal of BSL, so what was the point in doing it. My hair is thin, it is not where I want it to be, and I am just going to have to deal with it.

Reasons why I believed this happened

  • I stopped taking iron pills for months
  • I barely take my multivitamins
  • I have been busy and stressed working 3 jobs and going to school online
My solutions
  • I now take high potency iron pills daily
  • I purchased the gummy multivitamins (the candy taste makes me take them)
  • I am developing myself and learning how to become more organized (through reading books and research)
We have 4 more months left in this year so I only hope and pray that I make it to BSL before the year is over with the little changes I have made so far.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. It took me forever to get to BSL---and even longer with thick ends. If I had to do it all over again---I definitely would have just cut off ALL of my thinner ends then protective styled for my life.

    Keep focusing on the health of your strands and you'll get to BSL land in NO time!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands
