Friday, February 14, 2014

Scratching my salon visit this month!

Well, this month on February 5th marked my 1 year and a half being on this hair journey to waist length (growing my entire length of my shirt #20). In an older post (under my hair salon visits tab above) I told myself that twice a year I was going to the salon to have my hair straightened which would be every 6 months, for me those 2 months are February and August.

I have decide that I am not going. Those salon beauticians will mess me up with all that heat. So, instead I want to do it every year (every august). In 6 months from now there will be a salon update and that would be my 2  year length check. My goal is Full MBL (#15 on shirt) by August 2014, and Full WL  (#20) by August 2015 (giving myself a year because I will do some cutting along the way to make sure the majority of my hair is full and meets the line).

Still on this Journey, WL here I come!

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