Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Just some hair talk

I have been using the wild growth hair oil for only a few days and my roots are getting so, so, so thick. It has gotten to the point where I grabbed my calender just to see how many weeks post I am. I am only 4 weeks post. There in  no way that my hair has gotten this thick in just 3 days of using the oil. It does have a medicine smell like everyone claims but I am sitting in the house so It's not a problem. But, did I really start growing new hairs already is what I am concerned about. This is just between you and me, but if I have started to sprout hairs in 3 days of using this oil I will never let wild growth hair oil leave my side ever in life this will be my staple scalp oil for years to come.

So, yesterday I decided that I was going to stretch my hair a little with detangling and grapeseed oil to see how far I have to grow to get to BSL (my goal was to make it there by April my birthday) and to my surprise my hair looked way longer then it did the week before. I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on me but if I make it to double digits on my length check t-shirt I will jump for joy lets make no mistakes about that. To my knowledge I am somewhere around line 8 at the moment. I have been doing my best to nurse my hair back to heath by decreasing the shedding, dusting my ends, and fixing my porosity issue (ASV rinse which will be in a up coming blog). The goal for me was to make sure that without a doubt I was keeping the hair that is already on my head, well on my head and to just grow from the roots to gain length.  I claim BSL at line 11 on my shirt. Line 10 is the top of the bra strap and line 12 is the bottom  of my bra strap, I don't want to meet the top of the bra and scream BSL!!!! no, I want to be right on the bra at line 11 if I grow below it great but line 11 is my short term goal right now and if I am at line 8 that means I need only 3 inches. According to the reviews that's about how many inches people grow after finishing the bottle using it 3 times a week.

I am just going to stop this long blog here and hope for the best.

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